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Legacy/Overextended Empty Legacy/Overextended

Post  SkYlyn3 Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:35 am

If people are going to be considering playing in some of the Legacy events, I think there needs to be a section of the forum for that. Also, with all of the talk of the new format that has yet to be announced, deck spitballing could also be applied there.

As far as Legacy goes, the Time Spiral/High Tide deck from this past event was quite impressive. Candelabras aside, it's a relatively inexpensive deck to build, much better than the version with Resets. Also, as Kevin, Ken and Joey and I were discussing, it really may be time to pick up Blue Zeniths at a dollar a piece, before it becomes the new Stroke of Genius.

Also in Legacy, Gearhart's Tezzeret deck blew my mind, as Ken and I were pretty much talking about almost the exact decklist at FNM. I proxied it up, and it's kinda crazy good. If you have the Jaces and Tezzs, it's also not too bad to put together.

I don't really see aggro being a great choice for the format right now, as counterbalance is still very good. Junk is also a great choice with all of the combo running around, but combo is still quite resilient to discard. Ravager affinity is not the greatest choice, but is great for building on a budget. And truth be told, many Legacy decks can be put together for less than a solid type 2 U/W Caw-Blade list (barring borrowing my damn cards) and it would be a lasting investment as the price of duals keeps going up, and the format keeps getting more and more popular and nothing rotates. Just food for thought.

As for the as yet unannounced format "Overextended", for those of you not familiar with it, it is supposed to be from Mercadian Masques/6th edition forward, and would contain only cards not found on the Reserve List, so they can be reprinted. I put together a U/B Mind's Desire list (of course)to be played in said format, and it seems to be slightly powerful.

In that format, there is an insanely good Goblins list floating around, U/W Control (real control, not this crap they have today) is a monster, and Fires is still legal. Just FYI.

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-02-22

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